Vilamoura ‘City of Excellence’
Vilamoura ‘City of Excellence’: has been recognized with the Flag Level III – winning a City of Excellence title. The award recognizes innovative practices in the areas of accessibility for all pedestrian and cycling mobility.
The award ceremony was held at Inframoura headquarters, in Vilamoura. The award of the “City of Excellence – Level III” Flag reflects the public recognition of the work that this company has been developing in the field of urban qualification. This recognition is due to the degree of evolution of the Local Action Plan proposed by Inframoura when joining the Network of Cities and Villages of Excellence, focusing on the “City or Village Accessible for All” and the “City or Village Cyclable and Friendly Mobility”.
The Network of Cities and Villages of Excellence recognizes with this award the wealth of plans, projects, actions and initiatives in the context of smooth mobility, which took place and will take place in the public space of Vilamoura, aiming to make this urban nucleus more universally accessible and focus on smooth travel modes.

Vilamoura receiving the prize ‘city of excellence’
When Inframoura joined the Network of Cities and Villages of Excellence, several plans and studies were developed in Vilamoura, among which were the Vilamoura Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan; the Action Plan for the Vilamoura Cycle Network; Framework of directional vertical signaling and the Vilamoura pedestrian signaling project.
Focusing on the smooth modes of travel, the project was considered for the creation of the bike paths; the monitoring of pedestrian mobility; the implementation of an energy-independent Wifi distribution network and an environmental monitoring system at Avenida Engº João Meireles. Expansion of the sensor network and monitoring of the use of the bicycles in urban living and development of the mobile app to use the shared bicycle system was also recognised.

Vilamoura – pedestrian and cycling mobility
Projects and initiatives such as the replacement of conventional low energy efficiency lamps by LED technology, the implementation of the citizen’s app – Inframoura Share, the design of Inframoura’s integrated fleet management system and the collaborative project with the International College of Vilamoura, were also considered for this award.
Finally, the Network stressed with importance the action of implementing the terminals for charging electric vehicles in Vilamoura. The actions and projects previously described led to making Vilamoura a case of excellence in terms of accessibility for all, especially pedestrian mobility and cycling.